Important Announcement To Physical Shareholders

Important Announcement to Physical Shareholders

Request To Physical Shareholders

SEBI vide Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37 dated March 16, 2023, stipulated that folios of the physical shareholders shall be frozen if PAN, Nomination, Contact details, Bank A/c details and Specimen signature are not submitted by the physical shareholders to RTA of the Company by September 30, 2023. Now, the same date has been extended upto December 31, 2023 vide  SEBI’s Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/POD-1/P/CIR/2023/158 dated September 26, 2023.

However, as per latest SEBI’s Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/POD-1/P/CIR/2023/181 dated November 17, 2023 based on representations received from the Registrars’ Association of India, feedback from investors, and to mitigate unintended challenges on account of freezing of folios and referring frozen folios to the administering authority under the Benami Transactions (Prohibitions) Act, 1988 and/or Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, it has been decided to do away with the said provisions. In effect :

(i)           Reference to the term ‘freezing/ frozen’ has been deleted.

(ii)          Referral of folios by the RTA/listed company to the administering authority under the Benami Transactions (Prohibitions) Act, 1988 and/or Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, has been done away with.


Dear Shareholder,

As a part of its ongoing measures to protect the interest of the investors in the Securities Market, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), vide its Circular Nos. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/655 dated November 03, 2021 and  SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD_RTAMB/P/CIR/2021/687 dated December 14, 2021 specified the common and simplified norms for processing any service request of shareholders by Registrar & Share Transfer Agents (RTAs) and providing electronic interface by RTAs for processing investor’s queries, complaints and service requests.

SEBI, vide the said circulars, also specified the formats for physical shareholders for raising the requests with regard to registration or changes / updation of PAN, KYC, nomination and also for banker’s attestation of the signature of the shareholder in the event of major mismatch in the signature of the shareholder.

It has been made mandatory for all holders of physical shares to furnish / update the PAN, Nomination, Contact details, Bank account details and specimen signature with the Bank’s RTA.

Please note that –

  • w.e.f. 01.01.2022, any service request will be entertained by the Company’s RTA only upon registration / updation of PAN, KYC and Nomination details.
  • The folios in which PAN / KYC/ Nomination details are not available / updated will be frozen by the Company’s RTA w.e.f. 01.04.2023.
  • Also note that the folios in which PAN is not linked to Aadhaar as on 31.03.2022 or any other date as may be specified by the Central Board of Direct Taxes will also be frozen by the Company’s RTA.
  • after December 31, 2025, the frozen folios shall be referred by RTA / the Company to the administering authority under the Benami Transactions (Prohibitions) Act, 1988 and / or Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002


Shareholders holding shares in physical form are requested to furnish / update their PAN / KYC/ Nomination details, if not done earlier, with the Company’s RTA by using the relevant forms as appended below:

Sl No Particulars Form – web link
1 Request for registering PAN, KYC Details or changes / updation thereof ISR-1
2 Confirmation of Signature of shareholder by the Banker (in case of major mismatch in the signature of the shareholder) ISR-2
3 Nomination Form SH-13
4 Cancellation or Variation of Nomination SH-14
5 Declaration form for opting-out / cancellation of Nomination * ISR-3


*Please use Form SH-14 and Form ISR-3 for cancellation of the existing nomination.

In case of any query, kindly contact our RTA at the details provided below:


 Maheshwari Datamatics Private Limited

Unit: Sumedha Fiscal Services Ltd.

23 R. N. Mukherjee Road, 5th Floor, Kolkata – 700 001

Tel.: +91 33 2243 5029, 2248-2248 (From 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on all working days)
